6 Oral Problems You Can Face If You Have Diabetes

6 Oral Problems You Can Face If You Have Diabetes

Oral Health Care and DiabetesOral complications in a patient suffering from diabetes mellitus can be devastating. These may include periodontitis, gingivitis, candidiasis, dental caries, tooth loss, lichen planus, neurosensory disorders(burning mo ...


Reasons to Change your Toothbrush

Most common mistakes that our patients do is to change their toothbrush regularly. We believe that you should change your toothbrush every three months. Because,Toothbrushes just simply wear out.It is often worn enough to be replaced before it loo ...


Myths about Root Canal Treatment

Afraid of RCTs?Here are some myths busted about your tooth’s life savingprocedure, i.e. Root Canal TreatmentMyth: “Root Canal Treatment is painful”Fact: Actually, RCT relieves pain, because of modern technologiesand painless anesthetics, most pati ...


Dental Care During Pregnancy

Planning for a baby? Visit a dentist first…!! Why? Here are a few tips to take care of your dental health before, during and after pregnancy..We advise you to visit your dentist for a routine dental check up, fillings, cleaning and x rays before y ...